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Dog World's 
September 2010 
Rare Breeds Issue


BANBURY CROSS FARM CAROLINA DOGS — Show and pet lines. Multiple titles

in conformation, obedience, agility and herding. Also CGCs and certification for

therapy work. Puppies to approved homes. Jane Gunnell. Aiken, South Carolina;

(803) 215-6166 or (803) 649-0045 or (803) 215-6166;


Accompanying the first humans when they crossed the Bering land bridge into

North America from Asia were primitive dogs, the result of the domestication of

southwest Asian wolves. These small, nondescript dogs rapidly moved down

through the western part of the continent.


Skeletal remains and mummified bodies of these dogs have been found along with the artifacts of the Basket Maker culture of the primitive Southwest Indians. From here, these dogs moved into the eastern U.S. Archaeological investigations have documented ceremonial burials of these dogs, indicating their presence as companions of the Indians of the southeastern forested woodlands of that region, long before the arrival of the white man on this continent.


Recently, studies of the free-ranging dogs of certain regions of South Carolina and Georgia have revealed the ongoing existence of small, primitive dogs whose appearance, as well as behavior and general ecology, suggest a close ancestry with and possible descent from those first primitive dogs.


These "Carolina Dogs" most closely resemble the dingo of Australia, which may indeed be among their nearest living relatives.


Height: 17% to 19% inches (45 to 50 centimeters).
Weight: 30 to 44 pounds.
Coat: Winter coat is distinctly heavier than the summer coat. Coarse, longer guard hairs extend over the neck, withers and back.
Colors: Deep red ginger with pale buff markings over the shoulders and along the muzzle preferred. Variations from straw to wheaten to pale yellow buff are acceptable.
Disqualifications: Unilateral or bilateral cryptorchid; viciousness or extreme shyness; solid white coat color; albinism.


Dog World, September 2010

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