Banbury Cross Farm
Carolina Dogs / American Dingos

"You're one of the very few who have actually preserved the breed and cared about them remaining true. We need more of that, and need to support those who do it right." -Raluca
Guidelines for Sending Us Photos & Stories
Here are the guidelines for sending us photos and stories:
Photographs should be clear, sharp and in focus, with good contrast. While we can do some color correction and enhancing (which is not the same as retouching!) there's not a lot we can do with fuzzy, out-of-focus shots.
By 'good contrast' we mean that the dog stands out from the background, rather than blending in with it...unless it's a shot of your dog hunting in tall grass or the woods, of course.
While you can send any photos you like, we'd really like to see the entire dog, not just it's face.
The reason for this is so that we can immediately see the breed characteristics of erect ears, long pointed muzzle, and fishhook tail.
Photos of your dog in action — hunting, going after a ball or Frisbee, practicing for agility competition, etc. — would really be appreciated!
In most cases we would prefer to see the actual photographs (you can send them to us at the address given below, along with a self-addressed, stamped envelope so we can return them).
We can, however, accept e-mailed images as long as they are in .JPG format, at least 300dpi resolution, and a minimum of 300 pixels wide.
To e-mail photos, please use the address below.
Your story can be any length...formal or informal...serious or 'cute'...from your viewpoint or your dog's.
What matters most is that you make sure it contains the following information:
Your name;
Where you live (city and state);
Your e-mail address (and the URL for your personal home page, if you have one);
Your dog's name;
Where you got (or found) your dog;
How long you've had your dog;
How old it was when you got it;
What makes your dog so special — aside from being a Carolina, of course!
Any titles the dog may have earned in show, obedience or agility competition; and
Any other accomplishments or training, such as belonging to a Search and Rescue team.
We would prefer that you e-mail your storie. You can send them as MSWord documents, plain text documents, or simply write the story itself in the body of your e-mail. Just click HERE to send us your story! If you're e-mailing your images instead of sending the actual photos, just send them along with your story as e-mail attachments.
Send your photos, along with a self-addressed, stamped envelope (so we can return them) to:
Billy Benton, Webmaster
262 Eastgate Dr S/342
Aiken, SC 29803